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How to support our Wellbeing Project

Tidenham PCC have developed a project to address holistic wellbeing for individuals and community, especially in light of post COVID recovery. The new CYFM role will have this as a particular focus but we're also hoping to appoint a part-time community Wellbeing Chaplain. The chaplain will in part replace Revd Janice taking on the spiritual oversight of Sedbury Space and that community but will also have a wider remit of developing wellbeing initiatives in the whole parish and developing the use of the re-ordered St Luke's as a wellbeing resource hub.

Such a project is inevitably dependent on funding. Download the appeal leaflet here which outlines the project and explains how you can support this project financially, either by a one-off contribution of by a regular commitment. Please prayerfully consider your response to this appeal.

Posted on the 21st June 2021 at 11:49am.